2011년 1월 11일 화요일

Someday in Spring

    There are many ways to teach children something. Some people prefer to give punishment, others prefer to do something children did to them, In this film, the master prefer to do second one.
    In this film, the young boy tied a fish, a frog and a snake with some threads and then tied stones each of them. So, the fish, the frog, the snake couldn't go anywhere.The master saw what is the boy is doing. Thus, he got angry. While the young boy is sleeping, the master brought a rock and tied with the young boy. The next day, the master make him to find and set free the fish, the frog and the snake. In addition, the master said, if one of them deadm then the young boy will have a huge rock in his mind until he die. However, unfortunately, the fish and the snake was dead. The young boy cried a lot because he became really sorry to the fish,the frog and the snake. As such he learned new thing.
    To conclude, I think the master's decision is good. If he gave punishment to the young boy, he still wants to do the thing. In other word, he doesn't know why it is important to not to bother animals. Actually, my mom use this way also. She doesn't hit me, she does something that I did wrong. Then, I can know what I wrong. Also, I never forget it. So, it is the best way to teach children.

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