2011년 1월 13일 목요일

My Speech

Hello, ladies and jentlemen! My name is Krysral in class 23. These days, Korean-Pop has a problem. It is about singers' age. The average of them is decreasing!
Actually, there were some criticisms last year. GP Basic, which the members are organized with five eighth graders and a sixth grader was the cause. First, they appeared on SBS, then MBC. However, the youngest member, Janey who is a sixth grader baned to appear on television. Although this happened, this year, new girl group appeared. It is younger than GP Basic. The girl group's name is Girl-Story. It is organized with a second grader, two third graders and a fifth grader. Actually, it is not bad to debut young ages, gut it is bad to sing the song which isn't match them. Also, it is worse to make-up. In fact, there were younger singer groups. It is Sweety and Seven Princess. Most of them were elementary school students the others were kindergarten children. The reason they were not criticisms, they act like kids. Also, they didn't make-up. But nowadays, GP Basic and Girl-Story act like adults. Furthermore, most of their songs are about love story. Why? Why? Why their company seniors make them to sing about love to kids? Why they make kids to act like adults? I can't understand neither!
To conclude, it is okay to debut in young age. But, they must not to make-up and sing about love. Also, they shouldn't act just like other girl groups who are elder. If we are kids, we have to act like kids, not adults. Anyway, we have to rescue our Korean-Pop. Also, kids girl groups have to act just like their ages. Thank you for listening to my speech.
GP Basic
Seven Princess

댓글 5개:

  1. So min! You did really good in the speech contest! Fighting!

  2. 작성자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.

  3. Hi Kristal!
    Do you know who is writing on this space?
    This is Big-Big Appa.
    First of all, I hope Kristal will be the best specialist for using English and to have a great experience in this opportunity. All family including sister Yunjeong's family saw your dance pictures in the Dance Party of your camp and we enjoyed very much this evening.
    Big-Big Appa really hope your English will be improved very much after this camp and want to speak English when you talk with Sojeong and Joonhyung in the next summer vacation. Lastly get a good spirit and health, see you next.......

    from Keun Keun Appa.

  4. Keun Keun Appa!
    If you want to know my life you can visit this blog whenever you want! You must come to Korea next summer vacation! You promised!!!GGGooookkk!!
