2011년 1월 25일 화요일


We are the best class in the world!
There are many genius girls and boys.
Also, Our advisor, Mr.Urban is good at all subject.
Such as, History, Speech, Music, PE, Dancing and etc (except Math...).
Da-Won is good at presentation, Kate and Gyeong-seok is the leader of our class. Also, 지현,영주,예준 and 채린 are hardworking girls. Sang-Hyeon is the best reporter among the all reporters. He tried to take pictures of us to show who are our classmates to our parents. William, Kevin(Shrimp Bro), Paul, Jay and Kevin are sometimes fooling around, but they also do their best. 나은 and Jay entered Speech Contest and they did excellent job!
I can't miss all of them.
There are our pictures.
The second one is comic version.

댓글 1개:

  1. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
    I don't like pictures.
    I look ridiculousㅜㅜㅜ
