2011년 1월 18일 화요일

Ode(Dear my bed in my home)

Hi! My bed in my home!
I'm your owner, Krystal!
Now I am really missing you so much.
The bed which is in my dormitory room is not enough soft to sleep.
So, I can't sleep well everyday.
I am always tired!
Actually, I don't have many time to sleep, so I'm sleepy.
But, tiredness include the bed's softness, though.
Anyway, I'm really(X1000000......) missing you.
Just I am waiting for go back to you!
My dearest bed, just wait for me.
After 3 nights, we will meet each other.
I'm so exciting about it!!!!
How about you??
I think you have same mind with me.
I love you, my bed!

댓글 2개:

  1. I think it is the most similar one which I have....

  2. Ah-hah... So you were sleepy when I saw you in history class!!
    Hi, Krystal! It's Naeun^^
    Mine is soft enough, I think... ^^;
    However, I miss my bed too!!
