2011년 1월 6일 목요일


Here is GLPS. I love this program so much. I'm in KMLA now, but I can't believe it at all. KMLA is my dream place~I'm in class number 23, Intensive Immersion Course. I have debate, writing, history, math and ski. Tomorrow, class #21~23 will go skiing. I really expect it. I caught a cold because here is so cold than my hometown, Chang-won. I think I might be better tomorrow.(I hope so..) Anyway, It's time to go to dorm and eat dinner, so bye bye~ 

댓글 2개:

  1. You will be skiing now.
    Be carefull.
    I hope you revover soon cold.


  2. Father~I can't be better...I took medicine today. But don't worry. I'll be better soon~
