2011년 1월 25일 화요일

Out My Window-unfinished...

Good evening, ladies and jentlemen!
I am Krystal in class 23.
Today, I am going to talk about Mazen.
You can find information in this site, "HIGHRISE".


We are the best class in the world!
There are many genius girls and boys.
Also, Our advisor, Mr.Urban is good at all subject.
Such as, History, Speech, Music, PE, Dancing and etc (except Math...).
Da-Won is good at presentation, Kate and Gyeong-seok is the leader of our class. Also, 지현,영주,예준 and 채린 are hardworking girls. Sang-Hyeon is the best reporter among the all reporters. He tried to take pictures of us to show who are our classmates to our parents. William, Kevin(Shrimp Bro), Paul, Jay and Kevin are sometimes fooling around, but they also do their best. 나은 and Jay entered Speech Contest and they did excellent job!
I can't miss all of them.
There are our pictures.
The second one is comic version.

2011년 1월 20일 목요일

Dance Party~♡

Last Saturday, we had dance party!
I passed in the dance party audition, so I could participate.
I danced and .
I was excited!!
I didn't know that I can get awards!
Fortunately, I got second prize in the party!
I felt just like flying.
For presents, I got two boxes of cookie, a pair of sleeping socks and a slepping eye bandage.
Here are my pictures of the dance party.

2011년 1월 18일 화요일

There is new song!!

SNSD got new song!
The song name is "Visual Dreams".
I love this!!!!
I didn't hear the song,yet.
However, It also might be good song because SNSD sang.
I want to listen the song earlier!
Here is the jacket image!

Ode(Dear my bed in my home)

Hi! My bed in my home!
I'm your owner, Krystal!
Now I am really missing you so much.
The bed which is in my dormitory room is not enough soft to sleep.
So, I can't sleep well everyday.
I am always tired!
Actually, I don't have many time to sleep, so I'm sleepy.
But, tiredness include the bed's softness, though.
Anyway, I'm really(X1000000......) missing you.
Just I am waiting for go back to you!
My dearest bed, just wait for me.
After 3 nights, we will meet each other.
I'm so exciting about it!!!!
How about you??
I think you have same mind with me.
I love you, my bed!

Diamante Poems

Girl Group,sweet potatoes, Chicken,Boy group
exercising, rapping, dancing
handsome, cool

2011년 1월 13일 목요일

My favorite girl group, SNSD

Title : My Love, SNSD
Name : Krystal Do

It happened when I was a fourth grader.
"She is Tiffany, Krystal!" my friend 루빈 said.
"Wow! How pretty she is!"
Since then, I have loved SNSD.
There are nine SNSD members. They are Tiffany, Yu-ri, S대-Hyeon, Soo-Young, Yoon-A, Tae-Yeon, Hyo-Yeon, and Sunny. They have diverse talents such as singing, dancing, and acting. Tiffany, Jessica, Seo-Hyeon, and Tae-Yeonare good at singing. Tiffany, Jessica, Seo-Hyeon formed a separate unit group. Their song title is “오빠 나빠”. Also, each has their own solo album. Tiffany's “나 혼자서” and “반지”, Jessica's “Sweet Delight”, Seo-Hyeon's “아파도 괜찮아요” and Tae-Yeon's “만약에” and “들리나요” are some sweet songs.
Yu-ri, Soo-Young, and Hyo-Yeon are great dancers. Yu-ri and Hyo-Yeon became SNSD members because they danced very well in their audition. Also, Soo-Young was a member of “Route O”, a Japanese girl group when she was younger.
Yoon-A is good at acting. She appeared in dramas, such as “너는 내 운명”, “9회말 2아웃” and “신데렐라 맨”.
The other member, Sunny is a humorous girl. She appeared variety in shows. Her humor became famous since she started “청춘불패”. Many people like her charm personality. Also, her expressions are realistic and funny.
Moreover, they have great body. All of them have beautiful, slim legs. Also, they have their own charming powers. Some are cute, others are pretty, and others are beautiful.
Because SNSD gives energy to their fans, SNSD is my role model. I especially respect the youngest member, Seo-Hyeon. She is good at singing, dancing and acting. She also likes to study other subjects such as science or mathematics. If she doesn't have any schedule, she goes to study at her school without her managers.
In conclusion, SNSD is the best girl group in Korea. SNSD will soon be the best girl group in the world.

My Speech

Hello, ladies and jentlemen! My name is Krysral in class 23. These days, Korean-Pop has a problem. It is about singers' age. The average of them is decreasing!
Actually, there were some criticisms last year. GP Basic, which the members are organized with five eighth graders and a sixth grader was the cause. First, they appeared on SBS, then MBC. However, the youngest member, Janey who is a sixth grader baned to appear on television. Although this happened, this year, new girl group appeared. It is younger than GP Basic. The girl group's name is Girl-Story. It is organized with a second grader, two third graders and a fifth grader. Actually, it is not bad to debut young ages, gut it is bad to sing the song which isn't match them. Also, it is worse to make-up. In fact, there were younger singer groups. It is Sweety and Seven Princess. Most of them were elementary school students the others were kindergarten children. The reason they were not criticisms, they act like kids. Also, they didn't make-up. But nowadays, GP Basic and Girl-Story act like adults. Furthermore, most of their songs are about love story. Why? Why? Why their company seniors make them to sing about love to kids? Why they make kids to act like adults? I can't understand neither!
To conclude, it is okay to debut in young age. But, they must not to make-up and sing about love. Also, they shouldn't act just like other girl groups who are elder. If we are kids, we have to act like kids, not adults. Anyway, we have to rescue our Korean-Pop. Also, kids girl groups have to act just like their ages. Thank you for listening to my speech.
GP Basic
Seven Princess

2011년 1월 11일 화요일

Someday in Spring

    There are many ways to teach children something. Some people prefer to give punishment, others prefer to do something children did to them, In this film, the master prefer to do second one.
    In this film, the young boy tied a fish, a frog and a snake with some threads and then tied stones each of them. So, the fish, the frog, the snake couldn't go anywhere.The master saw what is the boy is doing. Thus, he got angry. While the young boy is sleeping, the master brought a rock and tied with the young boy. The next day, the master make him to find and set free the fish, the frog and the snake. In addition, the master said, if one of them deadm then the young boy will have a huge rock in his mind until he die. However, unfortunately, the fish and the snake was dead. The young boy cried a lot because he became really sorry to the fish,the frog and the snake. As such he learned new thing.
    To conclude, I think the master's decision is good. If he gave punishment to the young boy, he still wants to do the thing. In other word, he doesn't know why it is important to not to bother animals. Actually, my mom use this way also. She doesn't hit me, she does something that I did wrong. Then, I can know what I wrong. Also, I never forget it. So, it is the best way to teach children.

2011년 1월 7일 금요일

Writing Chain: In my opinion by Class 23

 My essay became better after I corrected it.

 In my opinion, there are too many singers and singer groups in Korea. Also, people becdome thier fans just because they are handsome or pretty. I think singers and singer groups's members must have talents, not just pretty or handsome.
 SNSD, BoA, Lee-Hyo-Ree, SHINEE, Secret, 2NE1 and BingBang are good examples. However, Kara and Afterschool are bod examples. They are pretty, though. But their singing is almost trash. Have you ever listened "Bang!" lively? I have, but they didn't sing, they were almost yelling. Their dance was beautiful. However,singers have to good at singing. I think my mom can sing better than them. They are famous like others just because of their looking, which are little bit pretty. Besides them, other examples that are in front have talent. But, it may differamong people. For the bright side, Jo-Gwun is the best. His face is not such super handsome, but he is one of most popular singer. Why? He has many talents such as singing, dancing and entertaining. He has many things th show to audiences and his voice goes high. He is the finest singer, I think. And also, Lee-Hyo-Ree is one of the best singers and talented person for girls. Also, IU is good example for singers. She is cute and she also has talent at singeing. Lately, she did three level high-pitched tone. I think there are singers who are good at singing and also beautiful. And some singers aren't good at singing but good looking. however, there is some singers they aren't good at singing and bad looking. I think this kind of singers shouldn't be singer. Just because this job can earn lots of money some people like trash wants to be a singer. I strongly disaree with this. Our country wants good singers with good looking and have many talents.
 In conclusion, I wish many kinds of people that they are good at singing should become a singer in Korea. I want that some of Korea's singer should be changed into other people. They could be just regular people. Or they couold get another job, so we should lessen  the amount of singers in Korea.

I love writing essays. I believe my writing skill will improve after GLPS over.

2011년 1월 6일 목요일


Here is GLPS. I love this program so much. I'm in KMLA now, but I can't believe it at all. KMLA is my dream place~I'm in class number 23, Intensive Immersion Course. I have debate, writing, history, math and ski. Tomorrow, class #21~23 will go skiing. I really expect it. I caught a cold because here is so cold than my hometown, Chang-won. I think I might be better tomorrow.(I hope so..) Anyway, It's time to go to dorm and eat dinner, so bye bye~ 

2011년 1월 4일 화요일

Welcome to Krystal's blog~

Hi everyone~ I'm a girl in Korea! I live in Chang-Won.
I love girl group except 2NE1.
My favorites are SNSD, Kara, T-ara, Girl-story, Sweety, GP Basic and F(x).
I want to be an idol singer just like them.
Also, I love English. Music and English give me energy.
Have a good time in my blog~♡